This image of Eliza looking out the window before the off probably won't make the album but as a photographer it appeals to me. The image is composed in to thirds, with the subject only occupying the first third. Taken from outside looking through the window I had to meter carefully to get the skin tone correct as in a program mode the meter would have turned the white gray and underexposed the face. The reflection of the trees overlays the face and creates a sparkle contrasting to the dark interior of the room. I had to position the camera so the eye was clear.
Eliza is checking the weather (now starting to rain - I know because I am getting wet) and peering to see which guests have already arrived. It is an emotional image, full of excitement and expectation. Months of planning will culminate in the next few hours fun and frivolity. She is prepared, confident that all has been done.
The heavens do indeed open for the ceremony but nobody falters.
Canon 5D 11 85mm f 1.2 ISO 500 f7.1 1/40 sec
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